Call To Action: Join the DeSciCommons

What is the DeSci community?

We are a global community of scientists, advocates and stakeholders designing a new way of doing science and a new way of funding science. We are freeing scientists from overhead and legacy structures and cultures. We are using Web3 tools as a core coordination technology. Ultimately, we're aligning the powers of Web3 for the advancement of humanity.

What will be the DeSciCommons?

Today, we have a unique opportunity to rewrite the operation protocols of science and knowledge creation. We will co-create DesciCommons guidelines for defining how DeSci projects operate. The best practices and specifications for DeSci will be enforced by DeSci-funding agencies such as Research DAOs. DeSciCommons will allow scientists to move away from traditional science conduct and go full DeSci sooner than later. Today's monolithic science operating system gives way to a plurality of science operating systems, enabling scientists to invest less energy and attention on gaming the system and more on good science.

The DesciCommons intro talk

Open / Download Presentation


  • Call for participation! - NOW!

    We have opened up a call to the DeSci community for participation. We are looking for:

    • Scientists who understand DeSci to join as soon as possible
    • Open Science advocates
    • Institutes and stakeholders
    • Research-DAOs and future Web3 science funders, including VCs with exposure to DeSci
    • IP lawyers conversant with web3
    • People experienced in governance and guidelines ...
    • Anyone practised in designing and implementing protocols for science and science funding
    • ... you ...
  • Community engagement at EthCC 07

  • Start of process: Summer 2024

  • Presentation of early ideas and governance process: End 2024

  • First version of guidelines: 2025

Who is behind DeSciCommons?

As you might well imagine, the DeSciCommons governance process will be decentralized and dispersed into an community effort as early as possible. In the meantime, we — Martin and Sönke — are the driving force. We have been DeSci champions since 2017, including an early think tank Blockchain For Science and the event organization for BFS Con in 2018 and 2019. We also have a significant track record in traditional science and know Web3 / Blockchain well.

Dr Martin Etzrodt

Immunologist & Chemist, Co-founder of Blockchain for Science. Martin currently works for the AKASHA Foundation to help build Web3 social networks, a crucial backbone for the future DeSci infrastructure.

PD Dr Sönke Bartling

Basic medical imaging scientist, Co-Founder of Blockchain for Science, author of the first text that brought blockchain and science together, and Editor of Springer Nature's most downloaded Open Access book Opening Science.

and soon the whole DeSci community.

Call To Action: Join the DeSciCommons